Tag - maldivian airlines schedule

Maldivian Airlines Baggage Information

Maldivian Airlines Baggage Information Details of Maldivian Airlines Baggage Information . Free Baggage Allowance: Destination Free Baggage Allowance Excess Rate Hanimaadhoo 20 kg MVR 12.00 Dharavandhoo 20 kg MVR 7.00 Kadhdhoo 20 kg MVR 12.00 Thimarafushi 20 kg MVR 12.00 Ifuru 20 kg MVR 10.00 Kooddoo 20 kg MVR 16.00 Kaadedhdhoo 20 kg MVR 16.00 Gan 20 kg MVR 20.00 Fuvahmulah 20 kg MVR 19.00 Trivandrum 20 kg USD 2.20 Chennai 30 kg USD 4.50 Dhaka 30 kg USD 10.00 Carry-on Baggage Allowance Dash 08 Aircrafts    5kg Airbus 320/321 Aircraft 7kg   To ensure safety for passengers Maldivian Airlines prohibits carrying firearms, liquor, drugs etc. Pornographic literature, idols of worship, certain animal products, explosive and weapons and alcoholic beverages are not allowed into the Maldives. If your checked baggage is damaged or delayed then you must contact to local GHA staff at the baggage claim area before you leave the...