
TOP OTA | Online Travel Agent Software provider in Bangladesh

The travel business moves very fast with technology last few years. Travel companies in Bangladesh, no longer follow the traditional process of booking travel deals for customers and corporates. With the advancement of travel technology and travel mobile apps, agencies in Dhaka Bangladesh, are using B2C B2B travel software solutions, wherein the end customers and sub-agencies can book online. That’s why most of the travel start-ups look forward to the OTA model and demand for travel agency software in Bangladesh

The top online travel agent software provider in Bangladesh is zooFamily Travel Community’s information technology firm zooIT. Now they are providing very good price with source code for travel technology and solutions.

Top 3 Company in Bangladesh who provides travel technology and solution services:

1.zooIT (Information Technolgy)

2.Uniglobe Solutions

3. A4 Areo

 To order your OTA work you may call us or WhatsApp us: +8801978569296

zooIT is a creative Software development company that creates travel solutions for your travel business. This company working with travel solutions and technology in Bangladesh. They build your OTA dream with API and Whitelabel solutions. They provide source code as well. for details contact us:

Who will help me to invest in an IATA travel agent?

zooFamily Travel community will help you to invest in IATA travel agents. Our organizers are few IATA travel agents and zooIT information technology companies. they will help you with their IATA travel agent investment module. to know about invest module click here. For details, you may call or WhatsApp us: +8801678569298. After COVID-19 many travel agents are affected so you can easily move their travel business with an investment. I think it will be a very good opportunity for a businessman and travel industries people. Both can jointly take advantage of both to achieve their desire. Different people invest in a travel company with different views. If your view matches with the module then it’s the place to work together.


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