
Top Places in Brazil

Brazil, a vast South American country. Here is the overview of Top Places in Brazil:

Rio de Janeiro

A city known for its stark contrasts, Rio de Janeiro perfectly blends golden shores, tremendous forests, and a bustling metropolis to create a home for its six million residents and an exotic holiday destination for its millions of annual tourists.  If you love music, then you don’t need to wait for Carnival for a samba hit; head to the samba schools for their all-year-round samba shows including live music and jaw-dropping dancers.


Belo Horizonte

Belo Horizonte is known for its bar scene rather than thumping nightclubs that comprise dozens of bars packed together to create the ideal late-night drinking spot for socializing and winding down at the end of the week.

São Paulo

They don’t call São Paulo the ‘concrete jungle’ for nothing. The often misunderstood city is home to over 13 million people and is regarded as the business and financial capital of Brazil.



Originally founded in the early 16th century by the Portuguese settlers, Olinda is a small colonial town neighboring the much larger Recife. Its collection of baroque churches, 18th century convents, and vibrantly-colored houses cling to the hillside coupling exquisite architecture with sweeping ocean views.

Fernando de Noronha

Escape from it all on this picturesque and exclusive gem. Located 350 kilometers off the coast of Brazil, you have to take a flight from Recife to get to this volcanic archipelago.



Located in the south of Brazil, the capital of Santa Catarina is known for its picturesque beaches, pastel-hued sunsets, and popular holiday resorts. Enjoy any of the sun-kissed beaches on the 54-kilometer long Santa Catarina Island.

Foz de Iguaçu

Down in the south of Brazil, straddling the border of Argentina and Paraguay, is the small town of Foz de Iguaçu, one of the most visited spots in the country.



Bonito is located in Mato Grosso do Sul on the border of the Pantanal and comprises crystal clear freshwater pools and deep abysses that create a unique ecosystem. Nutrient-rich rivers such as the Rio da Prata nourish hundreds of freshwater species and grant pleasant snorkeling opportunities among tight-knit shoals of brightly-colored fish.

Chapada Diamantina

Take a walk through the wild at the Chapada Diamantina National Park in Bahia. In addition to rocky landscapes of flat-top mountains and deep canyons, the landscape is dotted with incredible natural wonders such at the Cachoeira da Fumaça, one of Brazil’s largest waterfalls where the water lacks volume to reach the bottom and turns into a cloud of mist.


Mount Roraima

This imposing mountain swallows up the border of Venezuela but stretches out to Guyana and Brazil. Located in the far north of Brazil, it’s remote and hard to get to, which makes it even more appealing to adventurers and hikers alike.

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park

The name ‘Lençóis’ literally translates to ‘bed sheets’. When you are stood on the top of a rolling white sand dune in the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, this baffling name suddenly makes sense. Known for its striking scenery, this northern national park comprises an endless stretch of sand dunes, like someone gently shaking a large white bed sheet.



If you are ready for an adventure that will throw you into the heart of the wild, you will cherish a visit to the Pantanal, the largest wetland in the world. Located in the center of Brazil, this vast wetland includes spectacular natural landscapes that are home to one of the world’s most unique and complex ecosystems.


One of the most striking ecosystems in Brazil, the vast Amazon rain forest continues to be an imposing, mysterious jungle despite deforestation and illegal mining in the area. The complex ecosystem comprises hundreds of species of flora and fauna that co-exist in a network unlike any other in the world.



It may not register on everyone’s itinerary yet that makes it all the more appealing to go there. Manaus is a city in the northwest of Brazil that sits on the banks of the Negro River.


For a country of over 220 million people, it is easy to forget that Brazil is not all like Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba is a good reminder of that. Located in the south of Brazil, Curitiba is hailed as being among the top cities in the world.

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