
Dhaka to Malaysia flight

Cheap Flights from Dhaka to Malaysia

Air travel is one of the most convenient, safe, quick and pleasant modes of transportation available. Moreover, travelling by plane between all of the main cities has become a matter of only a few hours. In addition, previously, a major source of anxiety with flights was the ticketing process. However, with the advent of digitisation, this procedure has gotten much simpler. Above all, the zooFamily Travel Agents Community goes a step further to provide its consumers with a quick, easy and stress-free ticket purchase experience. Moreover, now it has become easier to book a flight from Dhaka to Malaysia. Zia International Airport, with the IATA code DAC, is the closest airport to Dhaka. Kuala Lumpur International Airport, with the IATA code KUL, is the most popular airport in Malaysia.

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Tips to get cheap flights from Dhaka to Malaysia

  • Try to book your flight at least 21 days in advance in order to some flight deals which suit your budget.
  • It is recommended to travel on weekdays to avoid weekend surcharges.
  • Avoid flying in heavy traffic by booking your flight before or after major holidays.
  • Check flexible travel dates to find the best flight deal.
  • Use CheapOair coupons and promo codes at checkout to make your ticket even cheaper.

To Buy Cheap Air Ticket Dhaka to Malaysia Click Here: www.Flight.zoo.Family

Flight from Dhaka to Malaysia route information:

  • Flight Price: 20000 BDT to 61000 BDT
  • Distance: 1640 miles
  • Airlines Serving: AirAsia, Biman Bangladesh, Emirates, Etihad Airways, Malaysia Airlines, Malindo Air, Qatar Airways, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Thai Airways International, Turkish Airlines

Dhaka to Kuala Lumpur flight timings

  • The quickest flight time between Dhaka and Kuala Lumpur is 3 hours 55 minutes. The flight time is 3 hours and 59 minutes on average.
  • The quickest flight time for stopover flights is 9 hours 25 minutes.
  • The first flight of the day takes off at 8:15 a.m. and the last aircraft of the day takes off at 10:10 a.m.

Dhaka to Kuala Lumpur flight information

  • The distance between Dhaka and Kuala Lumpur is 2598 kilometers.
  • Direct flights from Dhaka to Kuala Lumpur are available on five carriers.
  • US-Bangla Airlines is the most popular airline that flies from Dhaka to Kuala Lumpur.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it true that Biman Bangladesh takes less time than other airlines on a direct journey from Dhaka to Kuala Lumpur?

Yes. On this route, Biman Bangladesh offers the quickest flights.

2. Which airline offers the cheapest flights from Dhaka to Kuala Lumpur?

The cheapest flight from Dhaka to Kuala Lumpur is offered by Singapore Airlines.

3. When is the best time to fly from Dhaka to Malaysia?

Tuesday is the cheapest day to fly from Dhaka to Kuala Lumpur. So, if you want to save money on your next vacation, look for Tuesday flights.

4. What are the total number of flights from Dhaka to Kuala Lumpur in a week?

There are 40 flights from Dhaka to Kuala Lumpur each week.

5. What are the airlines serving from Dhaka to Malaysia?

The airlines that are serving from Dhaka to Malaysia are: AirAsia, Biman Bangladesh, Emirates, Etihad Airways, Malaysia Airlines, Qatar Airways, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Thai Airways International and Turkish Airlines.

6. What is the duration of the flight from DAC to KUL?

With a trip time of three hours and 45 minutes, Bangladesh Biman Airlines presently holds the record for the quickest flight. If you departed Dhaka at 8:15 AM, you would arrive in Kuala Lumpur at 2:00 PM. Keep in mind that there is a two-hour time difference.

7. What is the average length of stay in Kuala Lumpur?

Passengers from Dhaka spend an average of nine days in Kuala Lumpur.

8. What is the flight time from Dhaka to Kuala Lumpur?

During Dhaka to Malaysia flight, the quickest flight time between DAC and KUL is three hours and 45 minutes. Keep in mind that there is a two-hour time difference between the two locations.

9. When travelling from Dhaka to Malaysia, which airports will I use?

You will depart from Dhaka Zia International airport and arrive at Kuala Lumpur International airport.

10. Is a passport required for travelling between Dhaka and Malaysia?

During Dhaka to Malaysia flight, you would need a passport.

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